Transfer Online, Inc. is the stock transfer agent for Global Regenerative Group.

Transfer Online has broken the barrier between in-house processing and outside transfer agent services by allowing the Issuer to access vital information as if it were sitting on their own network – while providing all the benefits of working with a professional transfer agent. The Transfer Online website helps you to easily manage your shares, at www.transferonline.com the following services are available to you:  View and Maintain Account Details, Print Statement of Holdings, Proxy Votes, Download Common Forms and Transfer Status.  

 With 24-hour access to shares and Shareholder data, they can offer their service as a professional transfer agent while you retain the convenience of in-house recordkeeping and control your own costs. Through their proprietary software, Transfer Online provide our clients and their shareholders with immediate and online access to their information.  Transfer Online is keenly focused on providing excellence in customer service to its clients, for every transaction, every time. They achieve this with a balance of their core values: accuracy, fast and friendly service, value and regulatory compliance. Transfer Online’s commitment is one that you can trust.